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Russian Military Expert Credits Iran’s Intervention for Victories in Syria and Ukraine Proxy War

Russian Military Expert

Russian Military Expert Acknowledges Iran’s Role in Syria and Ukraine Conflicts

In a recent statement, Russian military expert Martynov highlighted Iran’s crucial role in turning the tide of conflicts in both Syria and Ukraine. According to Martynov, Iran’s intervention played a pivotal role in the Syrian civil war, where the world initially stood against President Bashar al-Assad. He asserted that Iran’s involvement contributed significantly to Assad’s victory.

Martynov drew parallels to the situation in Ukraine, where he claimed the United States initiated a proxy war against Russia. In this context, he credited Iran for intervening and providing substantial support, particularly mentioning the Shahed-136. According to Martynov, this intervention has been instrumental in Russia’s current success in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The military expert’s remarks underscore the evolving geopolitical dynamics and the impact of external interventions in shaping the outcomes of complex regional conflicts.

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