Outcry in Germany as Taliban Official Appears at Cologne Mosque – AL Haqiqat

Outrage Over Taliban Official’s Mosque Appearance Sparks Investigation

Germany has strongly criticized the appearance of a Taliban official at a mosque in Cologne, labeling it as completely unacceptable. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser emphasized that providing a platform for radical Islamists in Germany is unacceptable and deserves strong condemnation.

The Turkish-Islamic association Ditib, responsible for managing the mosque in Cologne’s Chorweiler district, is under scrutiny, with the German government seeking explanations for the use of the facility for the Taliban official’s appearance. Minister Faeser called on Ditib to clarify how such an event could have taken place.

Ditib’s management claimed they had no prior knowledge of the Taliban official’s planned appearance, stating that the event deviated from the original contract, turning into a political gathering with an undisclosed speaker.

In response, Ditib asserted its rejection of any association, even spiritual, with the Taliban. The Turkish-Islamic organization distanced itself from the incident, emphasizing that it does not endorse or support the Taliban.

The German foreign ministry revealed that the Taliban official had not been granted a visa to enter Germany, raising concerns about how he managed to travel to the country. It was disclosed that the official had utilized a Schengen visa issued by a neighboring country. Local media reported that the individual had arrived from the Netherlands, where he had attended a World Health Organization conference in early November.

The incident has sparked controversy, especially in the context of the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in August 2021. The West has responded by freezing billions of dollars in aid and assets, causing significant economic challenges for Afghanistan.

Ditib, known as the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs, holds a prominent position as one of the largest Islamic organizations in Germany.

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