Israeli Soldiers Mistakenly Shot by Own Unit during Ground Operations in Gaza

Israeli Military Faces Friendly Fire: 20 Soldiers Killed in Gaza Ground Operations

During ground operations in Gaza, the Israeli military is reportedly so fearful that it is accidentally firing shots at its own comrades. According to international news agencies, around 20 Israeli soldiers have been killed in such incidents.

In a statement issued by the Israeli military, it has been confirmed that during ground operations in Gaza, around 20 soldiers have been killed, not by Hamas forces, but rather in friendly fire from their own comrades.

The Israeli military’s statement confirms that out of the 20 casualties, 13 soldiers were killed by gunfire from their comrades, while others died due to the impact of heavy machinery or being run over. Another spokesperson for the Israeli military informed AFP that a total of 105 soldiers have been killed in ground operations in Gaza.

These numbers suggest the extent of panic and desperation within the Israeli military, as fear, low morale, and mental stress continue to make their own comrades targets. It is important to note that after aerial strikes, Israel has sent its ground forces into Gaza for operations, facing resistance from Hamas on multiple fronts.


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