Great success of Pakistan in the United Nations General Assembly

Geneva: Pakistan’s Proposals Approved in the United Nations General Assembly, Aimed at Curbing the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Strengthening Global Security.

According to global news agencies, two of these agreements were unanimously approved, while the other two received majority support. This marks a significant achievement for Pakistan in the United Nations General Assembly.

The approval of these agreements reflects broad international support for Pakistan’s stance on regional security, global stability, and other critical security issues. The first two agreements presented by Pakistan were related to nuclear arms reduction and confidence-building measures in regional and sub-regional contexts, both of which were accepted unanimously.

The third agreement, “Control of Conventional and Sub-Conventional Levels of Weapons in Regional and Sub-Regional Zones,” received 186 votes out of 193, highlighting significant international backing. India was among the countries opposing this agreement.

An important aspect highlighted in this agreement is the acknowledgment of the need to recognize military threats exceeding conventional levels in regional contexts, citing India’s militaristic tendencies in South Asia as a clear example.

The title of Pakistan’s fourth agreement was focused on implementing effective international arrangements to ensure the protection of non-nuclear states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. This agreement received approval with 123 votes.

These developments underscore Pakistan’s commitment to global peace and security and its efforts to establish comprehensive international measures in various domains.

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