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Arundhati Rai took the Modi government to task over the communal riots in Manipur

New Delhi: Renowned Indian writer, journalist, and commentator Arundhati Roy has sharply criticized the Modi government, which has utterly failed in addressing the rising cases of sexual violence and protecting precious lives in the state of Haryana.

According to Indian newspaper Deccan Herald, journalist Arundhati Roy, while holding the Modi government responsible for the escalating sexual violence in Haryana, stated that the BJP government prioritized oil interests over the protection of human lives.

Arundhati Roy, condemning the sexual violence in Mewat and Haryana, mentioned that the Modi government has maintained criminal silence on the atrocities against minorities in Mewat and Haryana.

The female journalist stated that Muslim women in India are being threatened with sexual violence by extremists. Modi is staying silent on crimes against women.

The Indian female journalist further stated that in a country with a population of 1.4 billion, democratic policies are incomplete, and democratic traditions are being violated. Modi’s government seems to believe that the world will not notice its inhumane and unfair decisions.

Arundhati Roy further remarked that Modi’s misguided fantasies will drown India. In such situations, there will be widespread unrest in the country that even billions of dollars in investments cannot control.

It is worth noting that more than one lakh officers were appointed in Mewat, but insecurity prevails outside the control of the Modi government, primarily due to the National Human Rights Commission highlighting the non-seriousness of the BJP government.

In the ongoing sexual violence in Mewat, more than a thousand people have been killed, and over 60,000 have become homeless in May. Over 6,000 homes and more than 500 places of worship have been set on fire.

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