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Anju Nasrullah: Indian woman Anju’s Pakistani husband Nasrullah is ready to go if. . .

Photo: Facebook

Flexible Options on the Table: Husband of Returning Indian Woman Open to Arrangements in India or Pakistan

Anju, the Indian woman who traveled to Pakistan in July to marry her Facebook friend, has returned to India. Her husband, Nasrullah, currently in Pakistan, stated his openness to coming to India if Anju invites him or returning to Pakistan if she prefers.

Nasrullah dismissed any issues between them, emphasizing the friendly nature of their relationship. “If Anju wants to invite me to India, I can come. If she wants to come back to Pakistan, she can do that also,” Nasrullah told India Today TV, expressing his willingness to accommodate her preferences.

He clarified that Anju had severed ties with her father and ex-husband in Rajasthan long before meeting him.

Earlier this year, Anju, a married woman from Rajasthan’s Bhiwadi district, gained attention for marrying Nasrullah in Pakistan. Upon returning to India via the Wagah Border, she faced questioning by Punjab Police and IB in Amritsar before flying to New Delhi.

When asked about her time in Pakistan at the Delhi airport, Anju opted not to comment, stating, “I don’t want to say anything right now.”

During questioning, she hinted at a possible return to Pakistan and shared her plan to take her two children there after divorcing her Indian husband, Arvind.

Anju’s estranged husband expressed disinterest in discussing matters concerning her when questioned by the media.

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